Sunday, March 23, 2008

First event a success!

We had our first little fund-raising event yesterday. We were originally planning to do a small bake sale on Friday night at a city Easter Egg Hunt. Instead we ended up doing our bake sale at Walmart. Between 11:30am and 2:00pm we sold most of our baked goods, and came away with $350+ !!! I was amazed at the generosity of the people who gave. After Walmart matches our funds (which I am still trying to figure out) we should be sending in just over $700 from only a little over 2 hours of a bake sale! Thank you to all those who baked goods and helped out. And a huge thank you to those who gave!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Slow Start

We've gotten off to a slow start with our fundraising. I got our first total today (it only includes what has already cleared the bank) of $80. Its a start, but we definitely have our work cut out for us. I am going to talk to Hermiston Parks and Rec about some ideas tonight at my city volleyball game--one of the managers is on my team. Hopefully we'll get things up and going quickly now that we've gotten the work out locally.

I am also going to be taking flyers and brochures to local businesses. I am going to hit the veterinary clinics and any other pet related stores, as well as the downtown business and restaraunts.

I've gotten a quote from the local T-shirt place to make shirts with sponsers on them. If anyone would like to buy space on the back of the shirts, let me know. We haven't figured out how much we'll be charging for space on the shirts yet (we need to figure out how many we can fit first), I'll post and let you know!

Thanks for so much support, we have been really touched by everyone's willingness to help.

4 Paws for Dallon

I will try to update this blog often for anyone who will be following our 4 paws adventure!