Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dallon's Great Progress

Dallon has made AMAZING progress over the last couple of months. His speech is coming along very nicely, and he seems much more aware of what is going on around him. He points out birds and animals everywhere. When he sees a boat on the river, he says, "pirates! oh no!" He says some really funny things. He also associates things he sees with things at home and tries to tell me about them. Its kind of like trying to figure out a riddle. You have a couple of clues, and it doesn't make much sense at first, but once you figure it out it makes perfect sense. He has a full month of school in April--no breaks for teacher training, or little holidays, or anything else--so he has been falling into a much better pattern and seems to be happier to go to school most days. We had his 6 month review last week, and his teachers were thrilled about his great progress. His speech therapy sessions have been going much better also. He is talking much more, and doens't want to spend the whole time on the computer repeating everything it says. All of this progress gives us a lot of hope. He still has a long way to go to be age appropriate in his social skills and speech, but he has made huge strides over the last year.

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