Sunday, July 6, 2008

CNN Heroes!

CNN Heroes is doing a story on 4 Paws and its founder Karen Shirk! The story will air during Larry King Live on thursday July 17th, and will repeat from 11am -12 pm on Friday, 11am-12pm and 5pm-6pm on Saturday (I don't know what time zone! I don't have cable, so I'll be looking for it online). It will also be on the web site with a written article, slide show, and additional footage. ( In addition, there will also be an article on and will include links to the story, two additional ‘web extra’ pieces and a link to the 4 Paws website. All of this information will also be up until the end of the year on the HEROES website at heroes.)

I'm going to try to get someone to record it for me, but if I can't I'm sure it will be just as good online!

I'm in the process of advertizing for our Rummage Sale coming up. I'm hoping for a good turnout! We'll see how it goes.

Our total is officially $8,175--all of the previously pending donations have posted and I don't know if there are any more pending at this time.

Only $4,825 to go!

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