Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Other ways you can help!

If you don't have cash or gifts that you can donate for our travel expenses, here are some other ideas that could really help us out!

**Coupons or discount codes for a rental car
**Airline miles for United Airlines
**Coupons for meals at local restaraunts in Xenia, OH (you can google the address)
**Pass along our donation information and cause to local charities or groups--like Mason lodges, Elks Club, Kiwanis, etc.
**Ask if you can do a penny drive at a nearby business or school
**Pass along information to high school organizations like Key Club to see if they might be interested in doing a fundraiser/service project

We only have 48 more days to get our travel squared away. I'm sending letters to some local charities in hopes that they may be able to help us out. Also, if you are looking for a tax deduction for your donation, you can give the money to a charity who is willing and able to collect donations and send them on to us.

Every little bit counts! We've finished raising money for Bianca, now we just need to bring her home!

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